First Day of School

I set a goal to record some thoughts every day this year and today is day one so off to a good start! We challenged the kids to do the same so it only seems fair, right?

Today was the kids' last first day of school in Spain. Bittersweet for sure. They were all so excited. It helped that we did the traditional Back to School photoshoot at the school campus yesterday and every teacher they saw had big hugs and lots of kisses for them all. This morning it was all smiles as they reconnected with friends and explored their new classrooms. Everyone seems happy with teacher assignments and the friend situations after the first day, so that's a relief. Brandon gave us all blessings last night and they were great. The kids were a little crazy before (during) and after but each child sat reverently and calmly during his/her turn, even Blakey. He blessed me that I'd find ways to connect with each kid this year and I really hope I do. I love being a Mom and feel like life is passing at warp speed in our family right now so I'm trying to put on the breaks and slow things down as much as I can and enjoy every stage and every moment. Hopefully this journal will help me remember just how great (and sometimes hard, let's be honest) life is right now. Highlights of the day were Ashtyn telling me I needed to do her hair a different (aka more grown up) way because she 'didn't look like a third grader like that'. Avery has so much confidence and sass - she shook her long blond ponytail in practically everyone's face and couldn't stop talking about how great she looked. Blake has a sweet little bestie, Emilia, and they are the cutest. She's quiet and shy, until she's around Blake and then the two of them are non-stop talk and imagination. It's adorable. Evan really stepped it up with his journal and book report that we've asked him to do. He tried really hard to write legibally and spell correctly, both of which are challenges for him in English.

I've taken on the rolls of Volunteer Coordinator and Travel Coordinator for the swim team. I've been publishing a lot of things lately and getting some good feedback. It's nice to have a little outlet that's different than what I've been doing here for so long. Nice to have a project, even if it is sucking up all my time!!

Went to the gym today to work out (goal #2 for the school year) and this kid peed all over the floor. The parents just let him stand there, then casually wiped up the pee with a few wads of TP. Kid had no extra clothes so the mom brought him back wrapped in a gym towel (without wiping him down or washing his hands or anything) which lasted all of 2 seconds on a toddler. For the next 15 minutes he just ran around playing naked on all the equipment! Next thing I know he's peed again, this time he's jumping in it and the pee is literally splashing all over the place. I almost, almost lost it. I've been there though, wanting to ignore the kids and have 20 minutes of peace in the gym. This was too much. I was squirming. Some other Dad showed up with his kids, suggested they sit at the table (where mr naked had just been rubbing his naked bootie) before he saw naked kiddo. I didn't have the heart (or guts) to tell him he should probably wipe down the table before he served his kids their snacks...
